Thursday, November 10, 2011

The GAG Quartet - le Internet Medley

If you appreciate this and think its awesome shit, you probably spent too much time online and need to get more sun like me.

Some of the memes were so old I kinda forgot about them.

Nice choice of ending :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Is your iPod Shuffle flashing Green Orange Green?

At first, it looked like my ipod Shuffle is dying. Everytime I press PLAY, it flashes green orange green

Naturally, you'd think about resetting it to see if it works miracles. Just as a reboot works miracles for the PC.

Here we go~ *goes to Google* Type "how to reset ipod shuffle gen 2"

Well here's how. Turn off your ipod shuffle. After 5 seconds, turn it on again. -_______-"

SO! Basically there wasn't any real problems with it. I reset-ed it unknowingly and it couldn't play because there are no songs in it.

I'm glad it's working now but seriously... From a company that prides itself for good interface and design? Pfft..

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SmapxSmap cover of SNSD's Gee!

Most people would have seen the original Gee! MV. Here's the Japanese version of it =)
Done by SmapxSmap, a tv program. I honestly think they're good! Of course not as synchronized as the original SNSD crew but still good!

The original Gee!
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The grandmaster of ALL Tetris players

This guy is insane! And that's not all. It's a 6:30n video so it gets repetitive after awhile but don't just close it, skip till 5:10 to see where it truly gets epic. Just plain crazy...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Scissorhands (Rock Arrange) by みーちゃん x mao x Hidenori

Original title: シザーハンズ~Rock Arrange~

Vocal: みーちゃん
Bass: mao
Guitar: Hidenori

WE CAN SEE MICHAN~! When he first started out, it's so damn itchy to figure out how he looks. Almost all the photos I saw on his twitter were of his back or had his face covered up. Well that was long ago. Now he's all out in the open <3

Monday, July 25, 2011

4DOF Motion Car simulator

There's just this question of what happens if the car flips, lol

costs around USD 25K which is around SGD 30K. Ouch... but nice... but still ouch...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Turn OFF auto correct! is a awesome site that shows you how hard you can fail with autocorrect. I literally laugh out loud and cried. These are merely the top 4 for this month. Definitely added to my to-trawl list.


I haven't gotten a true smartphone yet though I'm planning on it. DEFINITELY turning autocorrect OFF! The disasters that have happened are just too ridiculous, lol!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Frogger in Real Life

Frogger in 3D

Frogger in Real Life

According to the poster, it's in Vietnam and according to some comments, its specifically in Ho Chi Minh City.

If you've never heard of Frogger, you should try out the game for yourself. Its a classic game.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We're Moving! (Later)

Or rather I'm moving. My sister has been inactive for months. But it wont be for another 3 months due to school. I have been searching to host my own blog mainly so that I can do the following:
  1. Combine my old blog with this one.
    As a publishing platform, Wordpress and Blogger have differences. I wanted Wordpress because they have backtracks instead of backlinks. A matter of preference. They also have better site statistics and better interface or organization of tags (known as labels in Blogger) and categories (no such thing. Use the damn labels). After using Wordpress, Blogger has been painful. I'm not the only one that feels this way.
  2. Be able to freely design
    My old blog was at Blogsome and although it uses Wordpress as a publishing platform and allows flexibility in design, it is actually somewhat limited because it uses the Smarty templating system which is just as restrictive in site design like Blogger. Others such as required a $30 monthly fee for the restriction to be lifted.
I found the hosting your own site can be pretty traumatizing from what I read. Sometimes the host just fails too frequently in terms of your site's speed and uptime. Sometimes the support is just horrible when performance or security problems occur, even if its "only" once in a white moon. Other times they undercut the promised refund amount should they fail to deliver. Or it takes you 3 to 6 months of continual chasing to get the money. Maybe they're hoping you'll give up and go away. They're a lot more but these few are enough to make me give up. I trawled though review sites for 3 whole days and still I can't find a reliable host.

Then I found tumblr. It looked promising. It gives me nice stats, tags and categories and allows me to use my own domain if I so choose. Zemata supports it as well. I looked at the documentation regarding site design and from what I see, it looks pretty liberating. I already parked a site address that's empty right now. In 6 months time, after I'm free of school work and assignments, I'll move everything over and give it a new look. Or I might just move before the 6 months is up but use their templates first.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH - The world's first clamshell Andriod phone

I went to stare at photos of my (for now) dream phone again. Sharp hasn’t made any move in Singapore. Not that I expect it to in the near future. Our population (and therefore market power) is kind of pathetic. Not to mention, we have an overwhelming large number of iPhone fanatics that would go to the extent of splurging on a iPhone 4 just because it's white when iPhone 5 is near release.

For now, I will make myself happy by surfing the net for news for the world’s first (yeah first, it’s ridiculous) clamshell phone.

The reason why I haven’t owned a smartphone myself is because firstly I can do without one even though it is inconvenient and annoying at times (GPS ftw).

Secondly, I am particular about a phone’s form factor. It must be either clamshell or slider type.

Thirdly, I must have buttons and additionally, it must have buttons arranged in the candybar form since I cannot stand qwerty phones.

A fourth strong but admittedly non-essential factor is the quality of a phone’s camera. Sharp phones are also known for their camera technology which is incorporated into this phone.

This phone is the phone for me.

Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH Purple

Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH White

Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH Back Covers

Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH Front Covers

Not to mention, it’s such a beauty -sigh-

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to whiten your sneakers’ welt

5I have a pair of sneakers for 5 years and through these years, no matter how much I scrub, I can’t get the stains off the welts. I recalled a strange remedy I read off the internet some years back that uses nail polish remover and tried it myself yesterday.

Honestly I didn’t expect it to work so I didn’t take before and after pictures. There is however a YouTube video I found that uses 30-50% alcohol and demonstrates the effect with before and after pictures.

The video owner reportedly claims that it will work on leather, vinyl and poly materials. I supposed nail polish works the same since it also contains alcohol (mine does). I didn’t use toothbrush to scrub it like he did.

What I did was to use a normal scrub to remove most of the dirt and stains as much as I can first. Then a rag dipped in the nail polish remover is used to heavily polish it. I see a huge difference between using and not using the remover and I have to say I’m really pleased at the effectiveness of this simple remedy.

Bear in mind that it is not a miracle solution. The shoe does not turn completely white back to it’s pristine form. It does lighten A LOT of the very tough stains that I have been helpless against for years and this is enough for me. From far, these slightly darker pigmentation are completely insignificant. No one is going to get down on their belly and scrutinize your shoes while you’re wearing it anyway.

Now all that’s left is to find out how to remove stains from the cloth part of the shoe. Oh yeah and the smell too, heh.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Solution to "Disk in the destination drive is full" error - when there is actually enough space

When copying files to your thumbdrive or portable hard disk, you see the following, wondering how much space did you actually use so far.

"The disk in the destination drive is full" copy error message

You've double checked to make sure that you do have free space. Yet this error shows. More often than not, there is really nothing wrong with your disk. This happens often on thumbdrives or portable hard disks because of the default filesystem that they use - FAT32. Intrinsically, FAT and FAT32 is unable to handle files of large sizes (max. limit of 4GB) and a misleading error message is shown. What you need to do is to convert it to a more modern file system such as NTFS. Should you really throw away FAT32 in favour of NTFS? There are other sites that document and discuss the two file systems such as this but if you're too lazy to read, the bottom line is, FAT32 is too outdated but required for backward compatibility on -really- old systems and to other systems most regular users wouldn't use

  1. Run Command Prompt
    Click Start -> Run -> Type cmd in the box -> Press enter.
  2. One of the steps in the actual conversion requires you to type in the volume label name of the target drive. So we'll need to find that out and note that down first.

    VOL [drive letter]:

    e.g. VOL F:
    where F is the name of the target drive

    You should see the following:
    Finding volume label name of drive
    In my case, the volume label name is "FREECOM-FYO". Note down on a piece of paper or notepad what yours says. You'll need to retype it exactly later.
    If it says "has no label" then you'll need to go through this guide first to set a label name.

  3. Now it's time to run the actual conversion

    convert [drive letter]: /fs:ntfs

    e.g. convert F: /fs:ntfs
    where F is the name of the drive you want to convert
    Command to convert filesystem to NTFS

  4. Enter the volume label that was noted down previously in step 2.
    Prompted for volume label name

  5. When you see the screen below, you can go grab yourself a cup of coffee and come back. It shouldn't take long and there shouldn't be any problems. Windows is just performing standard checks to ensure conversion will proceed smoothly

  6. When you see the following screen after your coffee break, it's done. NTFS requires a certain amount of free space to do the conversion so if it doesn't work, just free up enough space on the disk to satisfy the reported space it needs and repeat from step 3 again.
    Conversion is completed. Else, check space required for conversion.

Congratulations, you are now free to use the disk to store huge files and the misleading error message of having full disks is no more!

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Auto img resize

When posting images, having to calculate the appropriate width and height according to the width of the area of blog entries on the site is annoying. What's worse if you decide to redesign your blog and the new width is so radically different, the images "overflowed". A better solution is to let the browser handle the size of the photos automatically, resizing it according the available your design have allocated at the time of rendering.

The concept is pretty simple: specify the width at 100%, specify the height to "auto".

Using stylesheets
On the webpage itself...
<img src="" id="photo" />
On the stylesheet...
#photo {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
Using inline styles
<img src="" style="width: 100%; height: auto;" />

That's all there is to it. Which one should you use?
If you have control over the stylesheets of your blog, it's best you to use them to ensure uniformity across your site. Else, using inline styles would suffice but every image your intend to post would require you to retype the styling specifications and it can get pretty irritating, especially when you forget to add it in and have to go back and repost.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day out at The Esplanade with Nikon D3000

Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay was completed and opened since 1995. Since then, it has been an icon on Singapore's riverside cityscape, joining buildings like Fullerton and other commercial skyscrapers. Till today, never have I wondered about the meaning behind it's name.

An esplanade is a long, open, level area, usually next to a river or large body of water, where people may walk.

Source: Wikipedia

So there's that. Here's a few shots I took while at the Esplanade - both day and night photos.

The interior of Esplanade. The light cast on the right wall changes according to the angle of the roof and time of the day. Really cool design.

My 1st HDR photo attempt.

This is The Esplanade's outdoor theatre. There is two of them I think. This one is the main one that is built right in front of The Esplanade itself. I wish I had more of the sky so it wouldn't be so squished. -sigh-

The Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay. Bathed in orange light.

Marina Bay Sands light show with the mini fireworks around their musical fountain. Very pretty and enchanting.

Most of these shots have obviously been edited. I dont have wide angle lens so I need to stitch them together myself while some of the other shots went through HDR Processing. I only have one camera - Nikon D3000 and I'm using the standard kit lens.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Samsung Galaxy SII Advertisement - Unleash Your Fingers

There was a comment on youtube that says it all: Fuck the phone... Just wanna see this guy finger tut

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dropbox announces partnership with Softbank and Sony Ericsson

This is such sweet news! I'm currently waiting for Sharp to bring their phones to our sunny island's shores but if that doesn't happen fast enough, I was actually eyeing SE's Xperia mini pro. Sharp is under Softbank and SE is well... under SE. Those eyeing phones offered by these companies, rejoice!

Hi everyone! Two months ago, we kicked off our internationalization effort by launching Dropbox in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. The launch is off to an incredible start, and we’re happy to welcome our new users from all around the world.

But we’re not quite finished yet. All you international users will now have one more thing to cheer about– we’re excited to announce our very first partnership, with Sony Ericsson and Softbank!

Beginning today, Sony Ericsson will sell Dropbox-powered Android phones in ten countries including the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, and Italy. These phones include the shiny new Arc and Play. (Sorry Verizoners, we’re working on it!)

Also, starting in early June, Dropbox will come pre-installed on several Android phones for Softbank customers in Japan, including a brand new 3D phone from Sharp. But Softbank users get a special bonus– you’ll be getting an extra 1GB in addition to the 2GB you normally get from a free account!

With these partnerships, we hope to continue the awesome momentum of our internalization effort by putting Dropbox in the hands of people around the globe. We hope to offer you more juicy mobile news in the future too!

Until then, how’s your Dropbox mobile app been treating you these days?

Source: Dropbox

Seriously Sharp, make your phones come to Singapore faster!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aitai (会いたい) by Pokota【ぽこた】

I listened to Pokota's covers long time ago but it was always the same few songs. Occasionally I discover new covers that I like from him BUT THIS COVER is different! This song is practically made for him to sing.

From today onwards, Aitai is my favourite Pokota cover.

There are a few others that seems to be more famous on youtube, such as Cendrillion (a duet with Hatanan) Easily one of his best work.

Dancing Samurai is also very popular.

He was even the one who sang it live during the live concert. Song starts at 4:14 if you're not interested in hearing him trying to sound sexy :) pretty successfully too.

Okies, time to head back to doing assignments :(

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to get Japanese phones in Singapore

It's that time again! My 21month recontract period for the phone is up, so it's high time to start looking around for a brand new shiny phone!

Turns out that the recent ones are all pretty ugly. I have a few requirements that phones like iPhone will not satisfy. In desperation, I turned to looking at overseas phones for the first time and Japanese phones look damn good indeed. Okay, so maybe I'm bias. I only liked the Japanese designs so far.

And it seems that there's a lot of people looking for these phones as well. So if you're new to this, how do you start your research and get these elusive phones?

First of all, if money is an issue, it's time to stop looking. Currently, a price offer of $700 is not uncommon. That being said...

Here's a few helpful resources I came across:

DarkMirage's Post - Importing a Japanese Phone

Summary: There's a lot of insightful background information there. Always bear in mind that some of the information is outdated when reading (It's a 2006 post) but it gives a rough background of the situation of phones in Japan and how they make their way here.

Hardwarezone SubForum

Summary: If you're in Singapore, the blogger also recommends a person called "Kuro" on HWZ in the "Exotic & Other Phones" subforum as a reliable dealer for such phones. As of this writing, I don't see much trading going on with him though. I haven't contacted him either since I'm still undecided on what phone I want. I see other dealers there that have some mention of successful good trades and a ton of information worth sifting through.

Softbank Mobile Phones

Summary: On hardwarezone, there are two main brands - Docomo and Softbank. Bear in mind though that not all phones models displayed can be used outside of Japan. It's a nice site to go "window shopping" and note those you like and then research further on from there.

There's one piece of good news I found if Sharp phones are what you are eyeing - models ending with SH. They have released an official statement on their corporate site that confirms their plan of releasing their phones globally. Exactly where and when is not stated. China was the only one mentioned in that statement. Their phones have already made it to US so far. This news was released in 20 May 2011 and there have been no further details since.

Alright that's all for the informative part. I myself am eyeing a Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH which is a very new release. No mention of it (or any other Sharp phones) in Singapore so far... The hype is all in the US -sigh- Personally, my SE Aino is doing fine and I like it so I think I can wait pretty long to see how this plan of Sharp plays out.

This is the white model of the Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH =)

Let's hope Japan picks us as one of the privileged countries!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Super Junior Kibum's image then and now

Yep, definitely changed a lot. No longer has baby face. Or rather he does but the overall look erm... Doesn't look fresh. Can also tell that he got slightly chubbier. But no probs. If he really is set for the 5th album, the stylist will do something about it.

Also when I was trawling through forums, there was a poll on the sentinents of his return. More than half the response were that he a dispensable member of SuJu. The responders were not intentionally negative, just that most felt that SuJu is fine with or without him and that they're still happy to see him back.

The 5th album according to Heechul is to be expected next year. Till then, we can only wait. Even if only for a confirmation of his return.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Super Junior Kibum rumoured to return for 5th album

Heechul on his twitter has confirmed a 5th album for Super Junior. That's not big news. The big news is that Kibum who suddenly went M.I.A. since for 2 years since 2009 is returning for it. This is pretty old news but till today SM Entertainment has not released official statement yet.

The source of the rumours were from Korean ELFs who were waiting outside SuJu's dormitories. According to them, Kibum was spotted moving back to the dorm where he told them that he would be joining SuJu for their 5th album.

I was pretty happy to receive the news at first and I really don't want to be negative but the news is now old... Combined with the lack of concrete evidence, the potential of the rumour is now leaning towards just that - a rumour.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Funny Videos!

Okay my friend send me all these videos. Dam funny!! At least to me! I am lame and if you are too, enjoy!!


Can you take a picture for us?

Will You Marry Me?


And some other videos by the same person~ same actresses! ENJOY!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Irojiro plays Supercell's "Sayonara Memories"

Original PV

The version that Irojiro plays had quite a few changes but the result was more than fantastic. I love his cover. In fact, this version replaced the old one in my mp3 player's playlist.

Irojiro's Version

The above version was kindly put together by someone that was a fan of his, combining both his guitar and bass version. Those interested in the individual versions can watch him play via the links below:

I love watching him play the bass. It's not just my preference of the instrument over guitar but you can see how he was so into the song. Always nice to see videos of him playing :)

There's other songs that he plays too like K-ON's. Again those are tweaked and they turned out a lot better than the originals.

There isn't much new videos from him these days. I guess he's just busy with his new band - Lunetia.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Am Number Four

I just watched this 2 weeks ago. It was a freaking awesome show. I cant wait for part 2 to come out!

There are 9 of them in total. In this movie, 3 already died. The story is abouth the 4th guy. I guess each of them has a specific number! Half way through the movie, number six appear to help him AND SHE IS WAY COOL! I like her smoke thing. Like so convenient! Cant wait cant wait!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rebecca Black

This is her video. Honestly, the whole thing is not good yet its not that bad either! The comments she recieves are very don't-give-face-at-all comments. And as commented by @iluvrandomshiz, the reason why she has so many views is because people tell other people how horrible it is! Out of curiosity, i would go check it out too.

Okay go and see this youtube link. This guy has got tons of subscribers. He did this video on Rebecca Black's Friday song. DO WATCH ALL THE WAY! My favourite part is the ending LOL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your information. Everywhere.

A while back, I did a module on Ethics in the aspect of technology. The theme assigned to our group was on pervasive computing. While it is a very interesting topic, it was a very scary one. The hype is all about the wonders it can bring. The dangers, though known, are being downplayed.

What pervasive computing promises is a integration of data and technology which will work together to profile you and react to your needs. Of course the good thing is the convenience. You don't need to "teach" or tell your gadget what to do anymore. They will know. And what your car knows, your gadgets in the workplace knows, and so do those in at home or practically any place you go.

Privacy is at stake as a result. Already we are seeing consequences of giving out too much information in twitter and facebook and other social networks. Pervasive computing brings it to another level by integrating with your everyday lifestyle, revealing more because of its necessity to profile everything about you to work. And if you reject this new level of speed and convenience it offers, you get left behind.

The more we read up on it, the more we realized that there are so many other issues at stake here. Privacy aside, security is another issue. What precious information you once fear might be revealed by trojans and other forms of hacks to your computer is now no longer restricted to just the computer. There are a ton of others which I feel I might as well just post the entire 4K word essay we wrote online. But I shall leave it at these two threats for now.

Pervasive computing is not the future, it is now. The underlying infrastructure can already support such technology. We have just begun implementation as can be seen from our mobile devices.

Honestly, I welcome pervasive computing as long as it is integrated slow enough for the most dire issues to be reasonably addressed. I just find it really intimidating if it is rushed for economic reasons and too many things get sacrificed in the process.

Either way, when we finally get to the stage that was seen in the video, most people would just renounce some of their privacy in exchange for that lifestyle without a second thought simply because it is accepted as the norm.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

K-On - Don't Say Lazy (Band Edition)

The first time I came across a band cover of this song was only because I was stalking Piko.

Vocal: Piko (ピコ)
Chorus: Sekihan (赤飯)
Guitar [TEST], Zim
Bass: Tissue Hime (ティッシュ姫)
Keyboard: Akai Ryusei (紅い流星)
Drums: Shobon (ショボン)

I couldn't find the sm number for this one :/ IMO you should just listen to this for Piko. Not that the rest of the band sucks (certainly not Tissue-hime!). It's just that Piko makes it kinda distracting XD

So if you truly want a real band edition over Don't Say Lazy, try this one!

They posted links to other K-On songs so you can check it out on the actual youtube page itself. Other than that, I had a terrible time finding any useful information on them. I really need to learn how to read Japanese!

To get the mp3, you know the drill.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wild Homework Appeared!

A pokemon version of a student's everyday fight with homework.

LOL! This is soooo familiar. Except that we can't really trash our homework. If only!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shortcut keys for volume adjustment in Windows - VolControl

I adjust volume a lot for various reasons. Sometimes the music volume between tracks vary too much, sometimes a site's owner have awful taste in music, sometimes you have stupid friends that think it's damn fun to spread around one of those scare tactics files.

Okay, fine. Actually the truth is that I'm just damn lazy. I don't want to bring out the interface from the system tray so I can click and drag the scroll bar to adjust volume. Thats what shortcuts are for. Faster. Easier. Things lazybums love.

I poked around Google and found a few ways to acquire those shortcuts on your Windows system.

The first method is for control freaks. You can actually create your own script to set volume shortcuts for Windows XP. But I shall not go into that because it's not something lazy people want. We want it faster and easier.

The second method requires installation of a third party software. It's actually pretty good for a free program. So if you aren't picky about what goes into your computer, go ahead and pick up this software - VolControl. The reason why I said it's not for control freaks is because VolControl don't support every key combination available. You can set a special key (either Ctrl, Win, Alt or Shift) together with either a directional key or Page Up or Page Down. I personally use Win since I don't use that key for anything else anyway. So far it's been awesome.

I've used another one prior to VolControl before that lets me set anything. I forgot the name and can't seem to find it back again. But no loss there.The previous one displays advertisement after the trial has expired. VolControl has a more pleasant interface and is ad free so I shall stick with it. So far it works great, even allowing me to adjust the % of volume increase or decrease per key combination executed.

That's the interface for adjusting VolControl's settings. Otherwise, you'll never ever see this screen. The bar at the bottom appears whenever you adjust the volume and fades away soon after. It's good feedback. Sometimes I don't realize how high my volume is and it can get pretty loud. But after I got this program, I made sure to never go past a certain percentage thanks to the automatic display.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cityville Valentine's Day achievements

I've been playing Cityville a lot later. Actually got badgered into it but now I'm hooked. Anyway, it's Valentine's Day and there are V-day related achievements with prizes.

The number of admirer's achievements is a no-brainer on how to get them. These are the other achievements that require you to receive a card from others.

Return to Sender - Receive a card with an Unhappy receiver

Tough Love - Receive a card with a Crab as object

Love Hurts - Receive a card with a Bomb as object

Feather Friends - Receive a card with Pigeons as sender, receiver and object

Food Fight - Receive a card with an Ice Cream and receiver avoiding the attack

Secret Admirer - Receive a card with Edgar as sender, Ruth as receiver and a Love Bear as object.

The secret admirer one was so hard to figure -.-"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Singapore 2010 Post Graduate Survey

Most of us are pretty lost when it comes to choosing which fields to study or take. There are generally two types, the practical ones who choose based on starting pay or employability and there are those that choose to take courses that are purely out of interest.

Neither is wrong. I have studied both paths myself. This post is just for the ones that are practical. Here are the localized facts on industries based on 2010 graduates from our three universities.

Top Median Gross Monthly Salaries (in brackets are the 75th-percentile salaries)

SMU Information Systems Management (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – $4,000 ($4,600)
SMU Economics (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – $3,200 ($4,000)
SMU Economics (4-yr programme) – $3,000 ($3,763)
NUS Business Administration (Honours) – $3,000 ($3,600)
SMU Business Management (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – $3,000 ($3,500)
NUS Chemical Engineering – $3,000 ($3,500)
NUS Industrial & Systems Engineering – $3,000 ($3,450)
NUS Dental Surgery – $3,000 ($3,400)
NTU Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering – $3,000 ($3,300)
NTU Aerospace Engineering – $3,000 ($3,250)
NTU Arts (with Education) – $3,000 ($3,200)
NUS Information Systems – $2,975 ($3,250)
NTU Physics & Applied Physics – $2,950 ($3,000)
NUS Computer Engineering – $2,900 ($3,440)
NTU Chemistry & Biological Chemistry – $2,900 ($3,300)
NUS Computer Science – $2,900 ($3,290)
NTU Computer Science – $2,900 ($3,250)
NTU Science (with Education) – $2,900 ($3,200)
NTU Computer Engineering – $2,900 ($3,200)
NUS Mechanical Engineering – $2,900 ($3,200)
NUS Science (Honours) – $2,900 ($3,200)

The Dumping Grounds by Starting Pay (Gross Monthly)

NTU Art, Design & Media – $2,300 ($2,800)
NTU Accountancy (3-yr direct Honours programme) – $2,400 ($2,500)
NUS Business Administration (Accountancy) – $2,400 ($2,500)
NUS Applied Science – $2,500 ($2,500)
NUS Science – $2,500 ($2,600)
NUS Arts – $2,500 ($2,600)
NUS Business Administration (3-yr programme) – $2,500 ($2,700)
SMU Social Sciences (4-yr programme) – $2,500 ($2,850)
NTU Maritime Studies – $2,500 ($2,900)
SMU Accountancy (4-yr programme) – $2,500 ($2,950)
NUS Nursing – $2,550 ($2,700)
NTU Environmental Engineering – $2,600 ($2,900)
NTU Communication Studies – $2,600 ($2,900)
NUS Real Estate – $2,600 ($3,000)
NUS Applied Science (Honours) – $2,600 ($3,000)
SMU Accountancy (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – $2,600 ($4,000)

Top Permanent Employment Rate (in brackets are the average salaries)

NUS Nursing – 100.0% ($2,568)
NTU Science (with Education) – 100.0% ($3,030)
NTU Arts (with Education) – 100.0% ($3,109)
NUS Dental Surgery – 100.0% ($3,176)
NTU Chinese – 98.0% ($2,756)
NUS Business Administration (Accountancy) – 97.1% ($2,448)
SMU Accountancy (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – 96.8% ($3,586)
NUS Computer Engineering – 95.7% ($2,890)
SMU Accountancy (4-yr programme) – 95.3% ($3,073)
NUS Applied Science (Honours) – 94.7% ($2,674)
NTU Computer Science – 94.3% ($2,930)
NUS Material Science and Engineering – 93.8% ($2,880)
NUS Civil Engineering – 92.9% ($2,801)
SMU Economics (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – 92.6% ($3,606)
NUS Industrial & Systems Engineering – 92.5% ($3,099)
NUS Business Administration (Honours) – 92.1% ($3,389)
NUS Information Systems – 91.1% ($2,918)
NTU Civil Engineering – 90.8% ($2,769)
NTU Accountancy (3-yr direct Honours programme) – 90.0% ($2,529)

The Dumping Grounds by Employability

NTU Art, Design & Media – 61.7% ($2,431)
NUS Environmental Engineering – 63.2% ($2,667)
NUS Communication and Media – 70.8% ($2,536)
SMU Social Sciences (4-yr programme) – 72.0% ($2,613)
SMU Information Systems Management (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – 72.2% ($3,754)
SMU Social Sciences (4-yr programme) Cum Laude and above – 73.3% ($2,673)
NTU Materials Engineering – 75.3% ($2,745)
NUS Arts – 75.9% ($2,511)
NTU Environmental Engineering – 76.3% ($2,777)
NUS Science – 76.5% ($2,525)
NUS Computing – 76.9% ($2,841)
NUS Applied Science – 76.9% ($2,393)
NTU Physics & Applied Physics – 77.8% ($2,900)
NTU Communication Studies – 78.2% ($2,562)
NTU Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering – 78.6% ($2,990)
NTU Mechanical Engineering – 79.1% ($2,794)

Source: Transitioning

The real main source is actually from MOE but Transitioning did a real nice job compiling all of them :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

G-20 Seoul Summit "Let's Go" HD MV

Yea it's 2011 and I'm late in stumbling upon the song "Let's Go". The song was recorded for the 2010 G-20 Seoul Summit which was held on November 11–12, 2010. It's an international event where G-20 government heads come together to discuss the global financial system and the world economy.

Artists participating in the collaborative song were: JunHyung (BEAST), GaYoon (4Minute), G.NA ,Gyuri (KARA), SeoHyun (SNSD), JaeKyung (Rainbow), Kahi (AfterShool), Luna (Fx), JiEun (Secret), Min (missA), Son DamBi, IU, Anna, BomKi (Twins), JunSu (2PM), ChangMin (2AM), JongHyun (SHINee), SungMin (Super Junior),), G.O. (MBLAQ), Seo InGook.

The Original Korean Version - HD

Since the summit was an global event, an English version was also released.

English Version - HD

The quality on the HD youtube vids were much better than what I found on 4shared so I converted them using video2mp3. Use the 4shared link if you're feeling lazy.