Sunday, May 8, 2011

Super Junior Kibum's image then and now

Yep, definitely changed a lot. No longer has baby face. Or rather he does but the overall look erm... Doesn't look fresh. Can also tell that he got slightly chubbier. But no probs. If he really is set for the 5th album, the stylist will do something about it.

Also when I was trawling through forums, there was a poll on the sentinents of his return. More than half the response were that he a dispensable member of SuJu. The responders were not intentionally negative, just that most felt that SuJu is fine with or without him and that they're still happy to see him back.

The 5th album according to Heechul is to be expected next year. Till then, we can only wait. Even if only for a confirmation of his return.

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