Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to whiten your sneakers’ welt

5I have a pair of sneakers for 5 years and through these years, no matter how much I scrub, I can’t get the stains off the welts. I recalled a strange remedy I read off the internet some years back that uses nail polish remover and tried it myself yesterday.

Honestly I didn’t expect it to work so I didn’t take before and after pictures. There is however a YouTube video I found that uses 30-50% alcohol and demonstrates the effect with before and after pictures.

The video owner reportedly claims that it will work on leather, vinyl and poly materials. I supposed nail polish works the same since it also contains alcohol (mine does). I didn’t use toothbrush to scrub it like he did.

What I did was to use a normal scrub to remove most of the dirt and stains as much as I can first. Then a rag dipped in the nail polish remover is used to heavily polish it. I see a huge difference between using and not using the remover and I have to say I’m really pleased at the effectiveness of this simple remedy.

Bear in mind that it is not a miracle solution. The shoe does not turn completely white back to it’s pristine form. It does lighten A LOT of the very tough stains that I have been helpless against for years and this is enough for me. From far, these slightly darker pigmentation are completely insignificant. No one is going to get down on their belly and scrutinize your shoes while you’re wearing it anyway.

Now all that’s left is to find out how to remove stains from the cloth part of the shoe. Oh yeah and the smell too, heh.

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