Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Island Creamery

THANKYOU Clarice! For all your nonsense! First, on the prank call which i totally fell for it a few mins through my birthday. Dam i feel like an ediot! And secondly, for the surprise appearance at my house's gate! This girl told me to meet her at Bankit and when i left my house, I saw this Clarice-look-alike-size-alike girl standing outside and the minute she turned, my heart almost gave way. Ya she sucks! And yet she freaking rock!

She got me a super cute cupcake along with an ice cream cake! Now that i think back, when she followed me back up to my house, i should have strangled her for 5 minutes :X Thankyou girl!

The cupcake with a cute lil heart! The cake is nice, but the cream tasted a little weird.

Fine, my lousy photography skills may make this cake look awful, but i swear to god its really nice!! I was smiling all the way while eating this. Oreo on the top, chocolate icecream and, i have no idea wads the white layer below. I should ask her the name of this, i have no idea wads this called.

Island Creamery frozen desserts da bao packet! And its blueeeeeeeee !

Lastly, thankyou so much again, i really appreciate your nonsense! Haha!!! Love ya!

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