Monday, July 25, 2011
4DOF Motion Car simulator
There's just this question of what happens if the car flips, lol
costs around USD 25K which is around SGD 30K. Ouch... but nice... but still ouch...
Friday, July 22, 2011
Turn OFF auto correct!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Frogger in Real Life
Frogger in Real Life
According to the poster, it's in Vietnam and according to some comments, its specifically in Ho Chi Minh City.
If you've never heard of Frogger, you should try out the game for yourself. Its a classic game.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
We're Moving! (Later)
- Combine my old blog with this one.
As a publishing platform, Wordpress and Blogger have differences. I wanted Wordpress because they have backtracks instead of backlinks. A matter of preference. They also have better site statistics and better interface or organization of tags (known as labels in Blogger) and categories (no such thing. Use the damn labels). After using Wordpress, Blogger has been painful. I'm not the only one that feels this way. - Be able to freely design
My old blog was at Blogsome and although it uses Wordpress as a publishing platform and allows flexibility in design, it is actually somewhat limited because it uses the Smarty templating system which is just as restrictive in site design like Blogger. Others such as required a $30 monthly fee for the restriction to be lifted.
Related articles
- Blogger sucks more (
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sharp AQUOS Hybrid 007SH - The world's first clamshell Andriod phone
I went to stare at photos of my (for now) dream phone again. Sharp hasn’t made any move in Singapore. Not that I expect it to in the near future. Our population (and therefore market power) is kind of pathetic. Not to mention, we have an overwhelming large number of iPhone fanatics that would go to the extent of splurging on a iPhone 4 just because it's white when iPhone 5 is near release.
For now, I will make myself happy by surfing the net for news for the world’s first (yeah first, it’s ridiculous) clamshell phone.
The reason why I haven’t owned a smartphone myself is because firstly I can do without one even though it is inconvenient and annoying at times (GPS ftw).
Secondly, I am particular about a phone’s form factor. It must be either clamshell or slider type.
Thirdly, I must have buttons and additionally, it must have buttons arranged in the candybar form since I cannot stand qwerty phones.
A fourth strong but admittedly non-essential factor is the quality of a phone’s camera. Sharp phones are also known for their camera technology which is incorporated into this phone.
This phone is the phone for me.
Not to mention, it’s such a beauty -sigh-
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
How to whiten your sneakers’ welt
5I have a pair of sneakers for 5 years and through these years, no matter how much I scrub, I can’t get the stains off the welts. I recalled a strange remedy I read off the internet some years back that uses nail polish remover and tried it myself yesterday.
Honestly I didn’t expect it to work so I didn’t take before and after pictures. There is however a YouTube video I found that uses 30-50% alcohol and demonstrates the effect with before and after pictures.
The video owner reportedly claims that it will work on leather, vinyl and poly materials. I supposed nail polish works the same since it also contains alcohol (mine does). I didn’t use toothbrush to scrub it like he did.
What I did was to use a normal scrub to remove most of the dirt and stains as much as I can first. Then a rag dipped in the nail polish remover is used to heavily polish it. I see a huge difference between using and not using the remover and I have to say I’m really pleased at the effectiveness of this simple remedy.
Bear in mind that it is not a miracle solution. The shoe does not turn completely white back to it’s pristine form. It does lighten A LOT of the very tough stains that I have been helpless against for years and this is enough for me. From far, these slightly darker pigmentation are completely insignificant. No one is going to get down on their belly and scrutinize your shoes while you’re wearing it anyway.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Solution to "Disk in the destination drive is full" error - when there is actually enough space
When copying files to your thumbdrive or portable hard disk, you see the following, wondering how much space did you actually use so far.
You've double checked to make sure that you do have free space. Yet this error shows. More often than not, there is really nothing wrong with your disk. This happens often on thumbdrives or portable hard disks because of the default filesystem that they use - FAT32. Intrinsically, FAT and FAT32 is unable to handle files of large sizes (max. limit of 4GB) and a misleading error message is shown. What you need to do is to convert it to a more modern file system such as NTFS. Should you really throw away FAT32 in favour of NTFS? There are other sites that document and discuss the two file systems such as this but if you're too lazy to read, the bottom line is, FAT32 is too outdated but required for backward compatibility on -really- old systems and to other systems most regular users wouldn't use
- Run Command Prompt
Click Start -> Run -> Type cmd in the box -> Press enter.
- One of the steps in the actual conversion requires you to type in the volume label name of the target drive. So we'll need to find that out and note that down first.
VOL [drive letter]:
e.g. VOL F:
where F is the name of the target drive
You should see the following:
In my case, the volume label name is "FREECOM-FYO". Note down on a piece of paper or notepad what yours says. You'll need to retype it exactly later.
If it says "has no label" then you'll need to go through this guide first to set a label name. -
Now it's time to run the actual conversion
convert [drive letter]: /fs:ntfs
e.g. convert F: /fs:ntfs
where F is the name of the drive you want to convert -
Enter the volume label that was noted down previously in step 2.
When you see the screen below, you can go grab yourself a cup of coffee and come back. It shouldn't take long and there shouldn't be any problems.
When you see the following screen after your coffee break, it's done. NTFS requires a certain amount of free space to do the conversion so if it doesn't work, just free up enough space on the disk to satisfy the reported space it needs and repeat from step 3 again.
Congratulations, you are now free to use the disk to store huge files and the misleading error message of having full disks is no more!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Auto img resize
On the webpage itself...
<img src="" id="photo" />
On the stylesheet...#photo {
width: 100%;
height: auto;}
<img src="" style="width: 100%; height: auto;" />
If you have control over the stylesheets of your blog, it's best you to use them to ensure uniformity across your site. Else, using inline styles would suffice but every image your intend to post would require you to retype the styling specifications and it can get pretty irritating, especially when you forget to add it in and have to go back and repost.