Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bed Intruder Song

One of those addictive youtube vids. The first snippet is the original news broadcasted.

Original Video:

This is what happened to it when Autotune-the-news took it and had it remixed.

Autotuned Remix:

Burst out laughing at the part where he shakes his finger to say "You dont have to come and confess" and when the two dudes start to add clapping to the remix.

The remix is so successful that now when i rewatch the original news in all it's seriousness, I can't undo the remix tune playing in my head as the interview plays on. It's turned on 24/7 >.<

The song is available on iTunes shop. He gets a small amount of the profits though I'm not sure how much. Get ithere.

There's an extended remix version. There's more funny shit there like a part where there's a choir singing, adding effect to the song, lol. Here it is :) Enjoy~

Extended Autotuned Remix:

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