Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wild Homework Appeared!

A pokemon version of a student's everyday fight with homework.

LOL! This is soooo familiar. Except that we can't really trash our homework. If only!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shortcut keys for volume adjustment in Windows - VolControl

I adjust volume a lot for various reasons. Sometimes the music volume between tracks vary too much, sometimes a site's owner have awful taste in music, sometimes you have stupid friends that think it's damn fun to spread around one of those scare tactics files.

Okay, fine. Actually the truth is that I'm just damn lazy. I don't want to bring out the interface from the system tray so I can click and drag the scroll bar to adjust volume. Thats what shortcuts are for. Faster. Easier. Things lazybums love.

I poked around Google and found a few ways to acquire those shortcuts on your Windows system.

The first method is for control freaks. You can actually create your own script to set volume shortcuts for Windows XP. But I shall not go into that because it's not something lazy people want. We want it faster and easier.

The second method requires installation of a third party software. It's actually pretty good for a free program. So if you aren't picky about what goes into your computer, go ahead and pick up this software - VolControl. The reason why I said it's not for control freaks is because VolControl don't support every key combination available. You can set a special key (either Ctrl, Win, Alt or Shift) together with either a directional key or Page Up or Page Down. I personally use Win since I don't use that key for anything else anyway. So far it's been awesome.

I've used another one prior to VolControl before that lets me set anything. I forgot the name and can't seem to find it back again. But no loss there.The previous one displays advertisement after the trial has expired. VolControl has a more pleasant interface and is ad free so I shall stick with it. So far it works great, even allowing me to adjust the % of volume increase or decrease per key combination executed.

That's the interface for adjusting VolControl's settings. Otherwise, you'll never ever see this screen. The bar at the bottom appears whenever you adjust the volume and fades away soon after. It's good feedback. Sometimes I don't realize how high my volume is and it can get pretty loud. But after I got this program, I made sure to never go past a certain percentage thanks to the automatic display.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cityville Valentine's Day achievements

I've been playing Cityville a lot later. Actually got badgered into it but now I'm hooked. Anyway, it's Valentine's Day and there are V-day related achievements with prizes.

The number of admirer's achievements is a no-brainer on how to get them. These are the other achievements that require you to receive a card from others.

Return to Sender - Receive a card with an Unhappy receiver

Tough Love - Receive a card with a Crab as object

Love Hurts - Receive a card with a Bomb as object

Feather Friends - Receive a card with Pigeons as sender, receiver and object

Food Fight - Receive a card with an Ice Cream and receiver avoiding the attack

Secret Admirer - Receive a card with Edgar as sender, Ruth as receiver and a Love Bear as object.

The secret admirer one was so hard to figure -.-"