Thursday, April 5, 2012

We've Officially Moved!

The site is officially UP! We've moved to

I'll slowly move the posts over... Bit by bit... Then this site will be deleted. Ciao Blogger! I know I won't miss you.

Monday, April 2, 2012

To export posts or not?

The tumblr site is almost up and ready. Just a little bit more. I'm contemplating whether to start anew and just post a We're Officially Moving when it's done or to seriously move everything over.

I haven't started searching out if there's an easy way to import/export stuff between Blogger/Blogsome and Tumblr but a friend of mine that apparently tried says it's not possible. Save for the manual Ctrl C and Ctrl V.

THAT would seriously be a pain! Then again there isn't a lot of posts in this one. It's the Blogsome site that would kill... Either way I'll get to it when the web design is completely implemented.

Time to do battle with CSS again. Ciao.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The GAG Quartet - le Internet Medley

If you appreciate this and think its awesome shit, you probably spent too much time online and need to get more sun like me.

Some of the memes were so old I kinda forgot about them.

Nice choice of ending :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Is your iPod Shuffle flashing Green Orange Green?

At first, it looked like my ipod Shuffle is dying. Everytime I press PLAY, it flashes green orange green

Naturally, you'd think about resetting it to see if it works miracles. Just as a reboot works miracles for the PC.

Here we go~ *goes to Google* Type "how to reset ipod shuffle gen 2"

Well here's how. Turn off your ipod shuffle. After 5 seconds, turn it on again. -_______-"

SO! Basically there wasn't any real problems with it. I reset-ed it unknowingly and it couldn't play because there are no songs in it.

I'm glad it's working now but seriously... From a company that prides itself for good interface and design? Pfft..

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SmapxSmap cover of SNSD's Gee!

Most people would have seen the original Gee! MV. Here's the Japanese version of it =)
Done by SmapxSmap, a tv program. I honestly think they're good! Of course not as synchronized as the original SNSD crew but still good!

The original Gee!
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The grandmaster of ALL Tetris players

This guy is insane! And that's not all. It's a 6:30n video so it gets repetitive after awhile but don't just close it, skip till 5:10 to see where it truly gets epic. Just plain crazy...